Sunday, June 8, 2014

Bottom skins of the left wing all deburred

I managed to get both sides of the bottom left wing skins deburred - even before my back decided to give out,which I thought would happen a couple of times. On the tables and saw horses I was using, sitting in a chair would not quite work, and standing put me just a bit higher from the work surface than I wanted to be. You can't just prop up these skins vertically like you could with the other skins from the tail, so this was a little more back breaking. Anyway, at least I can report that the drilling an deburring of the wing skins in 50% complete. I still need to do all 4 skins for the right wing, but progress is progress. 

Here is  pic of the larger outboard bottom wing skin with the vinyl all stripped.

It was kind of a dreary day here - filled with nothing but rain. Sure am tired of that. Next task is to debur the dreaded bottom half of the wing ribs. At that point I have some decisions to make. I can start on the right wing and repeat everything I have done on the left wing up to this point, or I can continue with the left wing and work on the left wing leading edge. The one thing I do NOT want to do is to start the edge deburring and dimpling of the wing skins until I have fit and drilled the leading edge ribs and skins. It is easy to jump too far ahead and start doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, so this is a point where reading ahead in the plans and instructions will help determine what steps you should and should not take.

There is still an amazing amount of work to do.....but at least it's getting done.

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