Thursday, March 8, 2012

463 hours - Drum Roll Please......................

Got my reamer in the mail today. It was a pleasant surprise since I was not expecting it until tomorrow at the earliest. Made quick work of finishing the bolt holes in both elevator control horns. Immediately afterward I enlisted the help of my son again to remount both elevators and check for the hole alignment, freedom of movement, and alignment of the elevators with the bolt installed. The bolt went into all three holes a bit snug, but good enough to insert it by hand. So far so good...

And as for the outcome of the alignment and freedome of movement, well.......this should provide the answer:

Everything moved just as it had before - no binding, no noise, no scraping - nice and smooth on both sides with the center bolt in place.

Did the laser show one more time with the elevators clamped in trail at the counter balance arm:

Still a couple of things left to do before I consider my self done with the tail section to the point that I can move on to the wings:

Solder and heat shrink a 12 inch extension to the electric trim servo wires
Touch up primer in a few areas on the elevators
Debur the edges of the bolt holes in each control horn
Mount the electric trim servo to the left elevator (Will probably not bend the cotter pins for the clevis pins yet)
Wash and clean all the empennage parts in preparation for the tech counselor visit

Sure is nice feeling to have all the hard stuff done. My next major goal is to finish at least one of the wings by the time I go to Oshkosh this year. Also just found out today that the Steve Miller Band is coming for the opening day concert - and that is TOTALLY AWESOME!

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