Sunday, March 4, 2012

460.5 Elevator alignment - laser level style!!

In a very short amount of time I was able to pretty much confirm that my elevators are in what I would refer to as an "acceptable" alignment with each other and with the HS, without the need for any other adjustments. I now feel pretty good about proceeding with the drilling of the holes in the control horns for the center bearing bolt attachment, and will proceed with that task tomorrow or Tuesday of this week.

Today's tasks were simply to try out a techique for the elevator alignment process that was suggested on several posts I found on VAF. THis involves using a laser level such as those found in most home improvement stores these days. Fact of the matter is I own a very good laser level that my wonderful wife had given me as a gift many years ago, which I had seldom had the opportunity to use for much of anything. In fact, I almost sold it in a garage sale a couple of years ago, and now I am glad I hung on to it.

Following are some very cool pics that frankly I was not sure would turn out very well, given the frequency spectrum of the laser light from my laser level. Turns out that most of them came out great, and I hope you think they are cool as I do. The bottom line is that this process proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to me that my elevator trailing edges are just about perfectly aligned with each other, which was a nice thing to see after applying such a precise method of alignment.

The laser level is a Laser Track from Craftsman tools. It came in a nice case, complete with two difference mounting bases for wall or free standing alignment applications, adn some funky, red colored procetive workshop-looking glasses used to enhance the laser light track in areas with high levels of normal lighting.
 I used the 3-point adjustable base shown in the pic below:

I waited until the evening hours to do this to help darken everything enought to be able to clearly see the laser light. I set the level on a card table, and moved the table with the HS and elevators closer to the garage door, which also shows the laser line quite well. With the garage door closed I started with the laser line clearly displayed on the garage, and then I slowly moved the lone down until it started to intersect with the HS. Then I made fine tuning adjustments with the adjusters in both sides of the rear of the level, until the laser line was displayed across the trailing edge of both elevators.

Here is the setup with the lights still on and the garage door closed:

And next with the laser level in position on the card table:

And next is the proof that things seem to be pretty well aligned. Here is a shot from the center (Remember to click on these pics to blow them up a bit bigger to see the details):

Next one is taken from the right side. The laser runs down the entire length of each trailing edge

And finally from the left side:

It was a little tricky getting the laser dialed in to the right spot, but once I figured out how to manipulate the adjusters I was able to get it zeroed in on the trailing edges rather well. The laser lightens up just a bit at both tips, and I actually expected this, sicne the elevators are tapered. As far as I am concerned, this process confirms what I was seeing with my manual measurements, that both elevators are actually quite well aligned, and I am happy with leaving the counter balance arms on the tips completely flush with the HS skins and leaving the control horms in their respective positions to drill the center bearing bolt attachment holes.

I spent this afternoon visiting my good friend adn fell ow builder (RV10) Mike Rettig. He is about done with his tail kit as well. Was good to talk shop and Oshkosh with someone again. He is coming along nicely on his build as well. Yes, Airventure 2012 is just around the corner! Have you made your travel plans yet?? Rest assured, just I have for the past three years, I will be there for my forth. I can hardly wait.

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