Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stupid Shed Doors! UGGGHHHH!

As usual things tend to always take longer than you think they should. The shed stuff has continued to take up all my free time throughout the course of this entire week. The "funnest"  part (NOT) was hanging the doors once the frame was in place - you know, all that plumb, level, and square business. Leraned alot about shimming a heavy door up all by yourself. Except for the difficulty with finding ways to clamp various curved airplane surfaces, I find working with airplane parts much more pleasing than working with square things made out of wood.

Anyway, I was able to start painting everything tonight, but as usual, we have a monster cold front on the way, so I may not be able to truly finish this little interruptive project until Sunday.

I did actually get to work on something for the build tonight. I managed to buy enough wood for the shed doors that I ended up with a few extra 1x2x8s that I was able to cut to size to use as frame for the box top that part of my empennage kit came in so long ago. It has been sitting up on a shelf holding everything from my empennage skins to the fuel tank skins while they wait for their turn to be assembled. I am now going to use it as a priming table for all those large wing ribs and such. The frame will support some chicken wire upon which the parts will rest while they are primed. This is very much the same thing as the samller priming table I have been using, just larger for handling larger parts.

I also inherited many more wood remnants from the shed work that I am sure will be put to good use at one point or another for the build, either as drill boards, clamps, supports, etc.

I'll get some pics tomorrow.

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