Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dimpling in tight places

This is yet another tool I purchased well in advance from Cleaveland Tools. It was not part of the standard tool kit,but it did not take long to understand why it is needed. Especially on the HS, many of the ribs are not very broad or large,and this makes it hard to dimple and rivet certain holes. This tool is known as a close quarters dimpling tool,and allows one to be able to dimple holes in areas where there is 1/4 inch or less width to work with. You simply slide the rib flange over the female dimple die shown at the tip of the tool, and use the rivet gun with the male die inserted to "drive" the dimple into the hole from the top side. My friend Ron purchased a pair of locking plier dimple dies for the same purpose, and so far I have not needed to borrow those, but we'll see Ron! :)

IF you are building an RV adn you do not have one of these, you need to get one!!! Simply one of the best tool investments I have made!!!!!

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