Sunday, September 11, 2011

A note about the 10th Anniversary of 9/11

All I wish to say is simply this......

I am an American, and I am damn proud of that fact.
I have taken some time today to reflect on the events that occurred 10 years ago, and I hope that each of you managed to take at least a little time to do so as well.

During that time of reflection, something happened to me that I thought I would share:

As the thoughts of the 9/11 anniversary suddenly overtook me, my attention immediately turned toward the sky. I noticed that it was not "silent" as it was 10 years ago, when all aviation was grounded on that terrible day. Many contrails filled the sky from high flying jets, and the sounds of airplanes filled the air all around me - again, completely unlike that dreadful day 10 years ago.

It put a smile on my face to see and hear aviation happening all around me.

Peace and hope to all who protect this great country, and to those of us that are so blessed to live here...

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