So far the only pics I have to share are of the special tools I have ordered, and the makeover that my garage is currently receiving in preparation for all this madness. (Not the most exciting stuff, I know - but when you plan to live a good portion of the next 2-3 years of your life (2000 hours of actual building time) in this environment, you need to make it as comfy and user-friendly as possible.
The changes I am making to the garage include a host of new shelves, two new handmade workbenches, and adding at least one new electrical circuit with sufficient outlets to handle the load of the air compressor and all other tools requiring high electric power draw, such as the electric grinder and sander, etc. I will also be adding additional lighting and some other improvements as I move into building mode.
The airplane I am building is an all metal kit, comprised mostly of aircraft grade aluminum and steel parts. Air tools are used to rivet the parts together. Air drills, rivet guns, and dimpling tools make up the core of tools that are required,but there are many more tools, such as clamps, files, etc. that are also very important to have. As soon as I dig up the pics from another PC I will post them for your viewing pleasure.